1920 Establishment of the MECANINDUS company based in Courbevoie – 92400 (France).

1947 New facility in Méré – 78490 (France).
1984 Development in Méré of a specific plant dedicated to automatic presses (control of noise and vibrations).
1990 Launch of a range of precision products (centering pins) thanks to the integration of a centerless grinding unit.
1991 EAQF certification by PSA.
1996 Launch of a range of products for the plastics industries (spacers and compression limiters).
1998 ISO 9002 / EAQF / QS 9000 certification.
1999 New plant in the Czech Republic.
2003 Acquisition of the German company Jörg Vogelsang.
2006 Acquisition of Vogelsang Corporation USA (New Jersey).
2014 Creation of a second plant in the USA (Kentucky).
2015 Creation of a production site in China in Jiangsu province (Kunshan).
2021 Intégration of Wilhelm Hedtmann into the group.